Choose the HIGHEST digit you believe will be in the next winning lottery number. If you correctly choose the Highest digit for the Next Game and you play the numbers listed. You will be a WINNER 100% GUARANTEED *this is a BOXED system
Highest digit: 9
01239 01249 01259 01269 01279 01289 01349 01359 01369 01379 01389 01459 01469 01479 01489 01569 01579 01589 01679 01689 01789 02349 02359 02369 02379 02389 02459 02469 02479 02489 02569 02579 02589 02679 02689 02789 03459 03469 03479 03489 03569 03579 03589 03679 03689 03789 04569 04579 04589 04679 04689 04789 05679 05689 05789 06789 12349 12359 12369 12379 12389 12459 12469 12479 12489 12569 12579 12589 12679 12689 12789 13459 13469 13479 13489 13569 13579 13589 13679 13689 13789 14569 14579 14589 14679 14689 14789 15679 15689 15789 16789 23459 23469 23479 23489 23569 23579 23589 23679 23689 23789 24569 24579 24589 24679 24689 24789 25679 25689 25789 26789 34569 34579 34589 34679 34689 34789 35679 35689 35789 36789 45679 45689 45789 46789 56789
Highest digit: 8
01238 01248 01258 01268 01278 01348 01358 01368 01378 01458 01468 01478 01568 01578 01678 02348 02358 02368 02378 02458 02468 02478 02568 02578 02678 03458 03468 03478 03568 03578 03678 04568 04578 04678 05678 12348 12358 12368 12378 12458 12468 12478 12568 12578 12678 13458 13468 13478 13568 13578 13678 14568 14578 14678 15678 23458 23468 23478 23568 23578 23678 24568 24578 24678 25678 34568 34578 34678 35678 45678
Highest digit: 7
01237 01247 01257 01267 01347 01357 01367 01457 01467 01567 02347 02357 02367 02457 02467 02567 03457 03467 03567 04567 12347 12357 12367 12457 12467 12567 13457 13467 13567 14567 23457 23467 23567 24567 34567
Highest digit: 6
01236, 01246, 01256, 01346, 01356, 01456, 02346, 02356, 02456, 03456, 12346, 12356, 12456, 13456, 23456